AspiD's Deck
- 0
Raise Dead - 12
Imprisoned Homunculus - 1★
Reliquary of Souls - 12
Spirit of the Dead - 2
Thoughtsteal - 3
Dragonmaw Overseer - 3
Educated Elekk - 3
Gift of Luminance - 3
Twilight's Call - 32
Wretched Reclaimer - 4
Grave Rune - 4
Mass Dispel - 4
Psychopomp - 52
Convincing Infiltrator - 5
Mass Hysteria - 6
Entomb - 7
Skeletal Dragon - 9
Obsidian Statue - 10★
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
- 1
Holy Smite - 1
Imprisoned Homunculus - 1
Inner Fire - 1
Psychic Conjurer - 1
Renew - 2
Injured Tol'vir - 2
Shadow Word: Death - 3
Apotheosis - 3
Gift of Luminance - 3
Holy Nova - 4
Bone Wraith - 4
Grave Rune - 4
Mass Dispel - 4
Power Infusion - 4
Psychopomp - 5
Convincing Infiltrator - 5
Ogremancer - 5
Sandhoof Waterbearer - 5
Shield of Galakrond - 5
Time Rip - 6
Aeon Reaver - 6
Initiation - 6
Khartut Defender - 7★
Catrina Muerte - 7★
Galakrond, the Unspeakable - 7
Skeletal Dragon - 8
Batterhead - 9
Mass Resurrection - 9
Mind Control - 9★