SomberMuse's Deck
Copy deck to Hearthstone
- 0
Innervate - 0
Innervate - ?★
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 - 1
Malfurion's Gift - 1
Malfurion's Gift - 2
Trail Mix - 32
Frost Lotus Seedling - 32
New Heights - 3
Rising Waves - 3
Rising Waves - 3
Tortollan Traveler - 4
Arkonite Defense Crystal - 4
Arkonite Defense Crystal - 42
Oaken Summons - 5★
Mistah Vistah - 5
Summer Flowerchild - 5
Summer Flowerchild - 72
Crystal Cluster - 7★
Kil'jaeden - 82
Hydration Station - 8
Sleep Under the Stars - 8
Sleep Under the Stars - 10★
Eonar, the Life-Binder - 10★
Yogg-Saron, Unleashed - 100★
The Ceaseless Expanse