Ksenos' Deck
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- 12
Dredger Staff - 12
Flame Imp - 1
Flustered Librarian - 1
Flustered Librarian - 12
Voidwalker - 12
Wicked Shipment - 2
Amalgam of the Deep - 2
Bloodbound Imp - 2
Imp Swarm (Rank 1) - 2
Imp Swarm (Rank 1) - 22
Impending Catastrophe - 22
Seeds of Destruction - 2
Vile Library - 2
Vile Library - 3
Fiendish Circle - 3
Fiendish Circle - 32
Imp Gang Boss - 4
Mischievous Imp - 4
Mischievous Imp - 52
Shady Bartender - 6★
Dreadlich Tamsin - 6★
Imp King Rafaam
- 1★
Corrupt the Waters - 1
Devolving Missiles - 1
Earth Shock - 1
Evolve - 1★
Sir Finley, Sea Guide - 2★
Astalor Bloodsworn - 2
Audio Amplifier - 2
Baleful Banker - 2
Devolve - 2
Echoing Ooze - 22
Prize Vendor - 22
Questing Explorer - 2
Tuskarrrr Trawler - 3
Bog Slosher - 3
Brilliant Macaw - 3
Chill Vibes - 32
Coldlight Oracle - 32
Framester - 3
Hex - 3★
Photographer Fizzle - 4
Crud Caretaker - 52
Doppelgangster - 5
Platebreaker - 6★
Grumble, Worldshaker - 9★