Sebboss' Deck
Copy deck to Hearthstone
- 12
Armor Vendor - 1
Smokestack - 1
Smokestack - 2
Defile - 2
Defile - 2
Kobold Miner - 2
Kobold Miner - 22
Saloon Brewmaster - 22
Youthful Brewmaster - 3
Mortal Eradication - 3
Reverberations - 3
Reverberations - 3★
Zola the Gorgon - 4
Forge of Wills - 4
Forge of Wills - 42
Imposing Anubisath - 42
Mo'arg Drillfist - 5
Burrow Buster - 5
Burrow Buster - 7★
Dar'Khan Drathir - 72
Doomkin - 7★
Tram Conductor Gerry - 8★
Gigafin - 9★
Sargeras, the Destroyer
- 12
Mortal Coil - 12
Smokestack - 2★
Astalor Bloodsworn - 2
Audio Amplifier - 2★
Bloodmage Thalnos - 22
Dryscale Deputy - 22
Kobold Miner - 22
Saloon Brewmaster - 3
Celestial Projectionist - 32
Dragged Below - 32
Mortal Eradication - 32
Reverberations - 32
Sira'kess Cultist - 3★
Zola the Gorgon - 42
Mo'arg Drillfist - 5
Burrow Buster - 5★
Za'qul - 62
Abyssal Wave - 7★
Tram Conductor Gerry