Bargle's Deck
- 1
Ray of Frost - 2
Frostbolt - 2★
Zephrys the Great - 3
Arcane Intellect - 3
Conjurer's Calling - 3
Frost Nova - 3★
SN1P-SN4P - 3
Voodoo Doll - 4
Arcane Keysmith - 4
Polymorph - 4
Twilight Drake - 5★
Barista Lynchen - 5
Sunreaver Warmage - 5★
Zilliax - 6
Blizzard - 7★
Luna's Pocket Galaxy - 7★
Siamat - 8★
Kalecgos - 8
Tortollan Pilgrim - 9★
Alexstrasza - 10★
King Phaoris - 10
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
- 1
Ray of Frost - 2
Doomsayer - 2
Frostbolt - 2★
Zephrys the Great - 3
Acolyte of Pain - 3
Arcane Intellect - 3
Conjurer's Calling - 3
Frost Nova - 3
Messenger Raven - 3★
Stargazer Luna - 3
Voodoo Doll - 4
Bone Wraith - 4
Fireball - 4
Polymorph - 4
Sandbinder - 5
Mind Control Tech - 5
Rotten Applebaum - 5
Sunreaver Warmage - 5★
Zilliax - 6
Blizzard - 6
Khartut Defender - 6★
Reno the Relicologist - 7
Flamestrike - 7★
Luna's Pocket Galaxy - 7★
Siamat - 8★
Kalecgos - 8
Tortollan Pilgrim - 10★
King Phaoris - 10
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron - 12
Mountain Giant