Warxiz's Deck
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- 02
Raise Dead - 12
Acupuncture - 12
Brain Masseuse - 1
Mind Sear - 1
Mind Sear - 1★
Patches the Pirate - 12
Shadowbomber - 1
Ship's Chirurgeon - 1
Ship's Chirurgeon - 12
Treasure Distributor - 12
Voidtouched Attendant - 22
Mind Blast - 22
Papercraft Angel - 2
Parachute Brigand - 2
Parachute Brigand - 2
Sing-Along Buddy - 2
Sing-Along Buddy - 22
Twilight Deceptor - 3
Ashen Elemental - 32
Cathedral of Atonement - 3
Mixologist - 3★
Prince Renathal - 3
Razorscale - 4
Ethereal Oracle - 4
Ethereal Oracle - 42
Frenzied Felwing - 42
Glowstone Gyreworm - 5★
Darkbishop Benedictus
- 12
Eternium Rover - 12
Risky Skipper - 1★
Sir Finley, Sea Guide - 2
Battleworn Faceless - 22
Man the Cannons - 2
Misfire - 22
Needlerock Totem - 22
Roaring Applause - 22
Shield Block - 22
To the Front! - 32
All You Can Eat - 3★
Ancharrr - 32
Bloodsworn Mercenary - 32
From the Depths - 32
Frothing Berserker - 3★
Lord Barov - 32
Warsong Commander - 4
Light of the Phoenix