Nordmann's Deck
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- 0
Ancient Totem - 0
Ancient Totem - 02
Totemic Might - 0
Totemic Surge - 0
Totemic Surge - 2
Amalgam of the Deep - 2
Amalgam of the Deep - 2
Anchored Totem - 2
Anchored Totem - 2
Carving Chisel - 2
Carving Chisel - 22
Crackle - 2
Flametongue Totem - 2
Flametongue Totem - 22
Frostbite - 2
Jam Session - 2
Jam Session - 22
Windfury - 4
Splitting Axe - 4★
The Stonewright - 6★
Genn Greymane - 6★
Golganneth, the Thunderer - 6
Thing from Below - 6
Thing from Below - 102
- 0
Raise Dead - 12
Dark Pact - 12
Flame Imp - 1
Kobold Librarian - 12
Mistress of Mixtures - 1★
The Demon Seed - 1
Touch of the Nathrezim - 2★
Astalor Bloodsworn - 2
Bloodbound Imp - 22
Drain Soul - 22
Unstable Shadow Blast - 22
Vulgar Homunculus - 32
Drain Life - 3
Hellfire - 3
Mortal Eradication - 42
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone - 4
Siphon Soul - 5★
Symphony of Sins - 7★
Dar'Khan Drathir - 82
Twisting Nether - 9★
Sargeras, the Destroyer