KorpoKret's Deck
- 0
Forbidden Healing - 2★
Bloodmage Thalnos - 2
Equality - 22
Hydrologist - 22
Lesser Pearl Spellstone - 2
Plated Beetle - 32
Aldor Peacekeeper - 32
Benevolent Djinn - 32
Consecration - 3
Rallying Blade - 3
Stonehill Defender - 4
Truesilver Champion - 5★
The Curator - 6★
Sunkeeper Tarim - 7
Silver Vanguard - 8
Primordial Drake - 8★
The Lich King - 8★
Tirion Fordring - 10★
N'Zoth, the Corruptor
Privat33r's Deck