This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 0
Devouring Swarm - 0
Serpentbloom - 1
Dwarven Sharpshooter - 1
Flare - 1
Springpaw - 1
Tracking - 1
Trueaim Crescent - 1
Wolpertinger - 1
Wound Prey - 2
Crabrider - 2
Doggie Biscuit - 2
Far Watch Post - 2
K9-0tron - 2
Scavenger's Ingenuity - 2
Selective Breeder - 2
Spirit Poacher - 2
Tame Beast (Rank 1) - 2★
Zephrys the Great - 3
Diving Gryphon - 3★
Dreadscale - 3
Forensic Duster - 3
Harpoon Gun - 3★
Prince Renathal - 3
Ramming Mount - 3
Wild Spirits - 4★
Ambassador Faelin - 4★
Blademaster Okani - 4★
Lorekeeper Polkelt - 4★
Rinling's Rifle - 4
Stonebound Gargon - 5★
Ara'lon - 5★
Barak Kodobane - 5★
Loatheb - 5
Tundra Rhino - 6★
Beaststalker Tavish - 6★
Cornelius Roame - 6★
Reno Jackson - 6★
Theotar, the Mad Duke - 7★
Dinotamer Brann - 7★