This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 1
Shield Slam - 1★
Sir Finley, Sea Guide - 2
Amalgam of the Deep - 2
Forged in Flame - 22
Frozen Buckler - 22
Shield Block - 3★
Brann Bronzebeard - 32
From the Depths - 32
Heavy Plate - 4
Igneous Lavagorger - 42
Onyxian Drake - 42
Outrider's Axe - 42
School Teacher - 5
Brawl - 7★
Mutanus the Devourer - 7★
Nellie, the Great Thresher - 7★
Rokara, the Valorous - 8★
Kazakusan - 82
Tidal Revenant - 10★
Raid Boss Onyxia - 102
Shield Shatter