- 0
Silence - 22
Resurrect - 22
Shadow Visions - 2
Shadow Word: Death - 22
Shadow Word: Pain - 2
Spirit Lash - 42
Eternal Servitude - 4
Greater Healing Potion - 4
Mass Dispel - 42
Shadow Word: Horror - 5★
Barnes - 52
Excavated Evil - 6
Lightbomb - 72
Lesser Diamond Spellstone - 72
Psychic Scream - 72
Shadow Essence - 8★
Ragnaros the Firelord - 8★
The Lich King - 92
Obsidian Statue - 10★
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
After you click:
Create a new deck in Hearthstone, or paste it into Hearthstone Deck Tracker.