- 0
Raise Dead - 1
Potion of Madness - 1
Shadow Word: Devour - 1
Shadowcloth Needle - 1★
Sir Finley, Sea Guide - 2
Defias Leper - 2
Dirty Rat - 2
Insight - 2
Seance - 2
Shadow Visions - 2
Shadow Word: Death - 2
Spirit Lash - 2
Thoughtsteal - 2
Thrive in the Shadows - 2★
Zephrys the Great - 3★
Brann Bronzebeard - 3
Cathedral of Atonement - 3
Devouring Plague - 3
Handmaiden - 3
Identity Theft - 3★
Madame Lazul - 3★
Murloc Holmes - 3★
Prince Renathal - 3★
Zola the Gorgon - 4★
Blademaster Okani - 4
Hysteria - 4★
Kazakus - 4
School Teacher - 4
Shadow Word: Ruin - 5★
Darkbishop Benedictus - 5★
Loatheb - 5
Mass Hysteria - 5★
Raza the Chained - 6★
Reno Jackson - 6★
Theotar, the Mad Duke - 7★
Blackwater Behemoth - 7★
Mutanus the Devourer - 7
Psychic Scream - 7★
Soul Mirror - 8★
Shadowreaper Anduin
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