This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 12
Fury (Rank 1) - 12
Relic of Extinction - 12
Sigil of Alacrity - 12
Unleash Fel - 22
Chaos Strike - 22
Fel Barrage - 22
Mark of Scorn - 22
Relic Vault - 3
Aldrachi Warblades - 32
Relic of Phantasms - 3
Silvermoon Arcanist - 42
Fel'dorei Warband - 4★
Souleater's Scythe - 52
Deal with a Devil - 52
Relic of Dimensions - 6★
Kurtrus, Demon-Render - 8★
Artificer Xy'mox - 8★
Jace Darkweaver