This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 1
Consume Magic - 1
Felscream Blast - 1
Glacial Shard - 1
Illidari Studies - 2
Dirty Rat - 2
Immolation Aura - 2
Manafeeder Panthara - 2
Sightless Watcher - 2★
Zephrys the Great - 3
Bad Luck Albatross - 3★
Brann Bronzebeard - 3
Death's Head Cultist - 3
Eye Beam - 3
Felrattler - 3★
Zola the Gorgon - 4★
Kazakus, Golem Shaper - 5★
Barista Lynchen - 5★
Loatheb - 5★
Taelan Fordring - 5★
Zilliax - 6
Khartut Defender - 6★
Reno Jackson - 6
Skull of Gul'dan - 7★
Death Speaker Blackthorn - 7
Expendable Performers - 7★
Mutanus the Devourer - 8
Coilfang Warlord - 9★
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - 9★
N'Zoth, God of the Deep - 10★
N'Zoth, the Corruptor