This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 1
Fistful of Corpses - 1
Miracle Salesman - 1
Runes of Darkness - 1
Scarab Keychain - 2
Cold Feet - 2
Corpsicle - 2
Dirty Rat - 2
Down with the Ship - 2
Dreadhound Handler - 2
Frost Strike - 2
Harbinger of Winter - 2
Hematurge - 2
Malted Magma - 2
Mining Casualties - 2
Tidepool Pupil - 3
Chillfallen Baron - 3★
Gorgonzormu - 3
Natural Talent - 3★
Prince Renathal - 3
Rainbow Seamstress - 3
Threads of Despair - 4★
Buttons - 4★
E.T.C., Band Manager - 4★
Helya - 4
Horizon's Edge - 4★
Maw and Paw - 4
Quartzite Crusher - 5
Army of the Dead - 5
Foamrender - 5
Frosty Décor - 6★
Incindius - 6★
The Headless Horseman - 7★
Marin the Manager - 7
Razzle-Dazzler - 8★
The Primus - 9★
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 - 10★
Climactic Necrotic Explosion - 10★
Reno, Lone Ranger - 10★
Yogg-Saron, Unleashed - 25★
Reska, the Pit Boss
E.T.C.'s Band
Zilliax's Components