- 12
Morbid Swarm - 12
Rite of Atrocity - 22
Grotesque Runeblade - 22
Guiding Figure - 22
Hematurge - 22
Infested Breath - 32
Assimilating Blight - 32
Chillfallen Baron - 32
Soulbound Spire - 42
Arkonite Defense Crystal - 42
Suffocate - 62
Airlock Breach - 6★
Exarch Maladaar - 6
Hideous Husk - 7★
Nythendra - 7★
The Exodar - 9★
Ursoc - 100★
The Ceaseless Expanse
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Create a new deck in Hearthstone, or paste it into Hearthstone Deck Tracker.