This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- ?★
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 - 12
Chaotic Consumption - 12
Felstring Harp - 12
Fracking - 12
Glacial Shard - 22
Defile - 22
Drain Soul - 22
Elementium Geode - 22
Thornveil Tentacle - 32
Mortal Eradication - 42
Forge of Wills - 42
Imposing Anubisath - 4★
Pop'gar the Putrid - 5★
Symphony of Sins - 6★
Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron - 8★
Wheel of DEATH!!! - 9★
Sargeras, the Destroyer - 10★
Reno, Lone Ranger - 30★
Fanottem, Lord of the Opera