This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 12
Demonic Studies - 12
Frequency Oscillator - 12
Scarab Keychain - 12
Smokestack - 22
Endgame - 22
Kobold Miner - 22
Saloon Brewmaster - 22
Youthful Brewmaster - 3
Mortal Eradication - 3
Reverberations - 3★
Zola the Gorgon - 42
Mo'arg Drillfist - 4★
Pop'gar the Putrid - 52
Burrow Buster - 5★
Symphony of Sins - 7★
Tram Conductor Gerry - 9★
Alexstrasza - 9★
Sargeras, the Destroyer - 102
Table Flip