This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- ★
Shadow of Demise - 02
Preparation - 12
Concoctor - 12
Jolly Roger - 2★
Astalor Bloodsworn - 2★
Bloodmage Thalnos - 22
Fan of Knives - 22
Ghoulish Alchemist - 22
Harmonic Hip Hop - 22
Infected Peasant - 22
Potion Belt - 2★
Potionmaster Putricide - 22
Serrated Bone Spike - 32
Beatboxer - 32
Mic Drop - 32
Nerubian Vizier - 3★
Prince Renathal - 32
Vile Apothecary - 42
Noxious Infiltrator - 4
School Teacher - 42
Scourge Illusionist - 5★
Queen Azshara - 5★
Taelan Fordring - 6★
Crabatoa - 6★
Sylvanas, the Accused