This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 02
Preparation - 12
Click-Clocker - 12
Door of Shadows - 12
Drone Deconstructor - 12
Frequency Oscillator - 12
Gear Shift - 22
From the Scrapheap - 22
Invent-o-matic - 22
Pit Stop - 2★
Potionmaster Putricide - 22
Serrated Bone Spike - 32
Coppertail Snoop - 3★
Mimiron, the Mastermind - 32
SP-3Y3-D3R - 5★
Ini Stormcoil - 6★
Crabatoa - 6★
V-07-TR-0N Prime - 7★
Prison of Yogg-Saron