This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 02
Aquatic Form - 02
Innervate - 12
Bubbler - 12
Druid of the Reef - 12
Irondeep Trogg - 12
Mistress of Mixtures - 12
Peasant - 12
Pelican Diver - 1★
Sir Finley, Sea Guide - 12
Vicious Slitherspear - 22
Amalgam of the Deep - 22
Capture Coldtooth Mine - 22
Composting - 22
Far Watch Post - 22
Jerry Rig Carpenter - 22
Mailbox Dancer - 22
Moonlit Guidance - 22
SI:7 Skulker - 3★
Prince Renathal - 32
Smothering Starfish - 5★
Wildheart Guff - 6★
Lady Prestor