This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 12
Aldor Attendant - 1
Animated Broomstick - 12
Knight of Anointment - 22
City Tax - 22
Hand of A'dal - 22
Libram of Wisdom - 2★
Murgur Murgurgle - 2
Sneaky Delinquent - 2
Transfer Student - 32
Alliance Bannerman - 3★
Lord Barov - 4★
Blademaster Samuro - 4★
Cariel Roame - 52
Aldor Truthseeker - 52
Libram of Justice - 62
Devout Pupil - 7★
Lady Liadrin - 7
Libram of Judgment - 8★
Varian, King of Stormwind - 92
Libram of Hope