This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 02
Lightning Bloom - 1
Investment Opportunity - 1
Overdraft - 1
Reincarnate - 12
Scalding Geyser - 22
Ancestral Spirit - 22
Devolve - 2
Maelstrom Portal - 2
Windfury - 32
Far Sight - 3
Lightning Storm - 42
Ancestor's Call - 4
Torrent - 4
Vivid Spores - 4
Wildpaw Cavern - 52
Muckmorpher - 62
Eureka! - 7★
Glugg the Gulper - 10★
Colossus of the Moon - 102
Scrapyard Colossus - 10★
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound