This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 0
Raise Dead - 1
Giftwrapped Whelp - 1
Psychic Conjurer - 1
Shadow Word: Devour - 1
Ship's Chirurgeon - 1★
Sir Finley, Sea Guide - 1
Twilight Whelp - 1
Voidtouched Attendant - 2
Amalgam of the Deep - 2
Fanboy - 2
Papercraft Angel - 2★
Serena Bloodfeather - 2
Whelp Wrangler - 2★
Zephrys the Great - 3
Benevolent Banker - 3
Cathedral of Atonement - 3
Razorscale - 4
Duskbreaker - 4★
E.T.C., Band Manager - 4
Hysteria - 4★
Najak Hexxen - 5★
Darkbishop Benedictus - 5★
Magatha, Bane of Music - 5★
Raza the Chained - 5★
Raza the Resealed - 5
Spawn of Shadows - 5★
Timewinder Zarimi - 6★
Reno Jackson - 7★
Aman'Thul - 10★
Reno, Lone Ranger
E.T.C.'s Band