This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 22
Bluegill Warrior - 22
Doomsayer - 22
Equality - 22
Wild Pyromancer - 32
Acolyte of Pain - 3
Aldor Peacekeeper - 32
Consecration - 3
Enter the Coliseum - 3
Enter the Coliseum - 32
Hammer of Wrath - 32
Keeper of Uldaman - 32
Murloc Warleader - 3★
Runi, Time Explorer - 3★
Wickerflame Burnbristle - 42
Ivory Knight - 4★
Old Murk-Eye - 42
Truesilver Champion - 5★
Finja, the Flying Star - 52
Sludge Belcher - 52
Solemn Vigil - 62
Lay on Hands - 8★
Ragnaros, Lightlord - 8★
Tirion Fordring - 102
Anyfin Can Happen - 10★
N'Zoth, the Corruptor