This deck does not have enough data for global statistics.
- 1
Eternium Rover - 1
Risky Skipper - 1
Shield Slam - 1
Stage Dive - 1
Town Crier - 2
Cornered Sentry - 2
Dead Man's Hand - 2
Dirty Rat - 2
Minefield - 2
Shield Block - 2★
Zephrys the Great - 3★
Brann Bronzebeard - 3
Coerce - 3
EVIL Quartermaster - 3★
Lord Barov - 3★
Zola the Gorgon - 4★
Kargath Bladefist - 4
Sword Eater - 5
Brawl - 5★
Ringmaster Whatley - 5
Scrap Golem - 5★
Taelan Fordring - 5★
Zilliax - 6
Khartut Defender - 6★
Reno Jackson - 7★
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius - 8★
Deathwing, Mad Aspect - 9★
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - 9★
Rattlegore - 10★
N'Zoth, the Corruptor