- 0
Ancestral Healing - 1
Forked Lightning - 1
Frost Shock - 1
Invocation of Frost - 1
Jar Dealer - 2
Amani Berserker - 2
Ancestral Spirit - 2
Flametongue Totem - 3
Educated Elekk - 32
Hex - 3
Lava Burst - 4
Coppertail Imposter - 4★
The Fist of Ra-den - 4
Windspeaker - 5
Cobalt Scalebane - 5
Corrupt Elementalist - 5
Ogremancer - 52
Shield of Galakrond - 6
Fire Elemental - 6
Rain of Toads - 7★
Galakrond, the Tempest - 8★
Al'Akir the Windlord - 8★
Gruul - 8★
The Boogeymonster - 8
Walking Fountain - 9★
Sathrovarr - 10
Eye of the Storm - 10
Scrapyard Colossus
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