Kerrigan, Rainha das Lâminas

Kerrigan, Rainha das Lâminas
Desbloqueie um Zerg de Grau 2. Custa (1) a menos a cada turno. Passivo: Comece a partida com uma Larva 2/2.
Desbloqueie com Tier7

How to Play Kerrigan, Rainha das Lâminas

Hero Guide

Pro player JeefHS's photo
JeefHSTop BGs Player
The tavern 3 zergs aren't *that* OP. This hero probably needs a buff.

Gameplay Videos

No videos currently available for this hero.

Kerrigan, Rainha das Lâminas Gameplay Stats

Combat Winrate

Diferentes heróis brilham em diferentes fases de um jogo

Porcentagem de vezes que Kerrigan, Rainha das Lâminas vence em um determinado turno. Os empates são excluídos.

Quando Subir o Grau da Taverna

Porcentagem de jogadores em 1° lugar a cada nível de taverna, em cada turno

1Turn in which most players tavern up with this hero
2Percent of players at this tavern tier on this turn

Quando usar o Poder Heroico

Percent of 1st place players who used their hero power each turn

1Turn that the player is currently on
2Percent of players that used their hero power on this turn

Kerrigan, Rainha das Lâminas Composições

1Difference in average final placement when playing this composition with this hero
2Percent of players using this hero that play this composition
3Final placement distribution (1st -8th) when playing this composition with this hero
4Typical final board with this composition when played with this hero