칼날 여왕 케리건

칼날 여왕 케리건
2단계 저그를 잠금 해제합니다. 매 턴 비용이 (1) 감소합니다. 지속 능력: 2/2 애벌레를 가지고 게임을 시작합니다.
티어7으로 해제

How to Play 칼날 여왕 케리건

Hero Guide

Pro player JeefHS's photo
JeefHS상위 전장 플레이어
The tavern 3 zergs aren't *that* OP. This hero probably needs a buff.

Gameplay Videos

No videos currently available for this hero.

칼날 여왕 케리건 Gameplay Stats

전투 승률

Different heroes shine at different stages of a game

Percent of the time 칼날 여왕 케리건 wins combat at a given turn. Ties are excluded.

When To Tavern Up

Percent of 1st place players at each tavern tier, each turn

1Turn in which most players tavern up with this hero
2Percent of players at this tavern tier on this turn

When To Hero Power

Percent of 1st place players who used their hero power each turn

1Turn that the player is currently on
2Percent of players that used their hero power on this turn

칼날 여왕 케리건 Compositions

1Difference in average final placement when playing this composition with this hero
2Percent of players using this hero that play this composition
3Final placement distribution (1st -8th) when playing this composition with this hero
4Typical final board with this composition when played with this hero