Occurrence Rate

Cosmic Duality
At the start of the game, Discover a second Hero Power.
Anomaly Guide
For your second hero power, generally the lower armor the hero is, the better option it is. For example, Snake eyes is one of the best second hero powers to pick because it's a 6 armor hero paired alongside the armor of your first hero. Patchwerk technically counts as a 0 armor hero so it's one of the best second hero powers.

Secrets of Norgannon
Tavern Tier 7 exists. Start with 10 extra Armor.
Anomaly Guide
Do not skip in this anomaly! It's by far the best way to print 7 drops, and they're pretty OP. With Elise, you really want Golden , (with if it's available), and for more money and 6 drops. You can go infinite like this, and scale in whatever way you want.

Planar Alignment
At the start of each turn, get a random minion of your most common type. (Unlocks on Turn 2.)0At the start of each turn, get a random minion of your most common type.

Bring in the Buddies
Buddies are in the Tavern.
Anomaly Guide
is the most important card in this anomaly, and single handedly allows you to go infinite because of the sheer quality of the battlecry buddies.

Audience's Choice
At the start of each turn, one player chooses a card for ALL players to get at end of turn.

Bring Home the Bacon
Start with two upgrading 'Piggy Banks'. Break them open to gain Gold!

Mimiron's Clockwork Stadium
You cannot upgrade the Tavern with Gold. It upgrades itself every 2 turns. (0 turns left!)
Anomaly Guide
It's hard to pick heroes that love to level fast on this anomaly, such as maybe . You want your hero power to be able to put stats on the board without relying on high tier units.

Factory Line
At the end of every 2 turns, get a plain copy of your left-most minion. (0 turns left!)2At the end of every 2 turns, get a plain copy of your left-most minion. (End of this turn!)

Continuing Education
At the start of each turn, get an Evolving Scroll. Each turn, it transforms into a Tavern spell from a Tier higher.
Anomaly Guide
UPDATEDDon't be afraid to use a good spell when you see it. An early or is much better to use immediately than to hold for a later tier spell.

Prudence of Amitus
Unspent Gold carries over to your next turn. If you saved at least 5, gain 1 extra.

Match Fixing
Guess which player will win your next combat. If you're correct, get 3 Gold Coins.
Anomaly Guide

After you upgrade the Tavern, Discover a Tier {1} Darkmoon Prize. (Improves in 0 turns!)

Emergency Landing
Twice per turn, you can remove all copies of a minion in the Tavern from your pool.
Anomaly Guide
UPDATEDYou can opt to stay on 2 and either cycle every baller, or play T2 Nagas (, , ). The best heroes for this strategy are Silas and Kurtrus.

Treasure Hoard
On Turn 5, Discover a Golden Tier 3 minion. (0 turns left!)
Anomaly Guide
No guide currently available.

Gladiator's Spoils
After you win a combat, Discover a minion of your Tier. Otherwise, get a random one of a Tier lower.

Treasure Hoard
On Turn 6, Discover a Golden Tier 4 minion. (0 turns left!)
Anomaly Guide
No guide currently available.

Treasure Hoard
On Turn 7, Discover a Golden Tier 5 minion. (0 turns left!)
Anomaly Guide
No guide currently available.

Uncompensated Upset
Start at 1 Gold. Minions cost (1) but sell for (0). Upgrading the Tavern costs (2) less.
Anomaly Guide
UPDATEDSpells are really bad to buy in this anomaly. Typically you get one gold back from using but in this anomaly the spell is more expensive. Also minions are much more efficient to buy. Also, every single is free.

Treasure Hoard
On Turn 8, Discover a Golden Tier 6 minion. (0 turns left!)
Anomaly Guide
No guide currently available.

Summoning of Champions
At the start of the game, all players Discover a Tier 6 minion from the same choices.
Anomaly Guide
The best 6 drops are value generators such as or .

Treasure Hoard
On Turn 9, Discover a Golden Tier 7 minion. (0 turns left!)
Anomaly Guide
No guide currently available.